
Jumble Sale - 25th February 2023

Announcing our Jumble Sale - Saturday 25th February 2023 at Patcham Methodist Church, Ladies Mile Road. Refreshments 10am-2pm. Jumble Sale 11am-2pm. Entry 50p, refreshments will be available in our coffee bar. Loads of bargains to be had!

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Jumble Sale - 22nd October 2022

Announcing our Jumble Sale - Saturday 22nd October at Patcham Methodist Church, Ladies Mile Road. 10:30am - 1:30pm. Entry 50p, refreshments and lunches will be available in our coffee bar. Loads of bargains to be had!

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Jumble Sale - 19th March 2022

Announcing our Jumble Sale - Saturday 19th March 2022 at Patcham Methodist Church, Ladies Mile Road. 11:30am - 2:30pm. Entry 50p. Lunches and refreshments will be available in our coffee bar. Loads of bargains for sale.

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Jumble Sale - 4th September 2021

Announcing our Jumble Sale - Saturday 4th September at Patcham Methodist Church, Ladies Mile Road. 11am - 1pm. Entry 50p, refreshments will be available in our coffee bar. Loads of bargains for sale. If you wish to donate jumble (no furniture please) you can drop it to the Church between 7.30pm and 10pm this Friday Friday 3rd September.

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Coffee Morning & Jumble Sale – Saturday 17th October 2015

Barnstormers will be holding a coffee morning on Saturday 17th October 2015 from 10am – noon, followed by a Jumble Sale, starting at 1pm. Entrance 20p. Do come along and support this event.

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Coffee Morning & and Jumble Sale – 4th October 2014

Barnstormers of Patcham Methodist Church, Ladies Mile Road, Patcham, will be holding a coffee morning on Saturday 4th October from 10am-noon followed by a Jumble Sale at 1.30pm, on the same day. Refreshments, cakes and biscuits will be on sale as well as a Good as New Stall, clothing, books, bric-a-brac, glass ware and toys, so come along and support and grab a bargain.

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Barnstormers’ Jumble Sale and Coffee Morning 15th February 2014

We are holding our, (now legendary,) Jumble Sale on the 15th February from 1.30pm with the coffee morning from 10am-noon, so keep the date free. Tickets for our next production which is Godspell, (15th-17th May 2014,) will be on sale during the day.

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Coffee morning and Jumble Sale success

A terrific day yesterday, hard work, but successful. The total now raised towards “Christmas Carol” costs is £603.75, with more to come later, from the recycled textiles. This is a fantastic amount, and the highest yet, so many thanks to all those who helped.

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Coffee morning and Jumble Sale 5th October 2013

It’s our big fundraising day on Saturday 5th October with our coffee morning from 10am-12noon then the Jumble Sale opening at 1.30pm. do come along to help, eat, drink, buy and have a laugh too.

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